Public Cloud

Jasper designs, architects and manages public clouds for Government Agency or Commercial/Healthcare companies. We satisfy business requirements by identifying mission, application and organizational needs, while our solutions team identifies the public cloud that best fits the enterprise's needs.

Public cloud services are generally used to deploy public facing data provisioning services and public websites. There is little or no difference between public and private cloud architectures. Security requirements make the difference. Jasper currently designs, architect and manages several large Public Cloud offering for Government Agencies, Commercial and Healthcare companies. Our solutions are designed to meet complex application needs that can be extended to one or more Public Cloud providers. We ensure the highest level of network and security and data security.

Jasper maintains strategic alliances with IBM, Oracle, Microsoft and Amazon Web Services.

We are authorized

Amazon Gov Cloud

Amazon GovCloud Partner

IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud

Oracle Cloud

Oracle Cloud

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure

Key Differentiators

  • Public cloud offerings defined by specific application requirements
  • Data at rest and in-motion security
  • Classified and Unclassified data separation
  • We manage Public, Private or Hybrid Cloud from single pane view
  • Continuous Monitoring across all Cloud Providers
  • Big Data and Analytic shared platform by Public Cloud Providers
  • Data Management and Ability to leverage higher disk speeds based on application needs